Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2011

"You gave me the best opportunity to express myself" - Duncan Hayler, Set designer

Dear Holger and Isabelle,

I have answered your petition in the best way I could express myself.

I sincerely wish with all my heart that your beautiful opera together with its unique atmosphere and its wonderful family of highly talented employees, with whom I have had the greatest pleasure and honour of working, can sustain this pathetic and stupid political decision.

You gave me the best opportunity to express myself, you employed me ... and you are amongst my dearest and most unforgettable friends.
You have been a great part in my life as a designer.
I wish you both and the entire company my solidarity and highest artistic esteem.

Yours, profoundly and most sincerely,

Duncan Hayler.
(by Email on July 2, 2011)

Duncan Hayler at Wiener Kammeroper on

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